6 Ups & 3 Downs From Last Night's WWE NXT (29 Jan)

4. New North American #1 Contender

Dominik Dijakovic Keith Lee Damian Priest

Keith Lee and Dominik Dijakovic have worked some stunners before, which is something they acknowledged in-ring on NXT before Dijakovic went one-on-one with Damian Priest. That bout was designed to set up a new contender for Lee's North American Title, and it ended up being a sleeper hit.

Somewhere in WWE HQ, a staffer will slip a tape of this match under Vince McMahon's office door and listen to the groans of delight coming from the boss. He'd have loved seeing two guys Priest and Dijakovic's size move with such grace and putting on a near fall clinic that enhanced the reputations of both.

The bonus ball is that fans get another slice of Dominik against big Keith.

This was as simple as it comes when building up title matches. That's not a negative though, because Lee got to cut a nice, self-assured promo then slide out of the frame so his would-be challengers could settle their differences. Segments like this make NXT so easy to watch.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.