6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE NXT UK (17 June)


6. Coffey Wants A Fight

The Up for Mark Coffey and Sha Samuels’ confrontation is merely temporary, depending on how good their eventual match actually is.

Coffey mentioned how Wolfgang is now up one, having defeated Sam Gradwell in the night’s opener, and how he now has to find a singles match to even the score. Therefore, he pissed off Sha Samuels in the UK Performance Center, apparently scheduling a match between the duo.

It could be a hoss fight, but so could Wolfgang vs. Gradwell, and it wasn’t. Mark and Sha have had shown decent chemistry while working together in ICW, for example, so they need only transfer that cohesion to NXT UK to produce another banger. It’s not hard to get this right.

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