6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 2)

4. An Echo From The Past

Kevin Owens Sami Zayn

...and these lads earned it.

During the finishing stretch, Owens blasted Zayn with three powerbombs. One through the announce desk, one through a nearby table and another onto the ring apron. That trio of spine-jarring moves earned KO the big win and ensured he qualified for Money In The Bank.

There was another story beat lurking in the background that Pat McAfee and Michael Cole didn't pick up on - Sami looked up at Kevin and asked, "How did we get here?". Replying, Owens spat, "Just karma". Then, he smashed Zayn around with the aforementioned bombs.

Older fans may recall that Kev turned heel by hitting Sami with a powerbomb onto the ring apron at NXT TakeOver: R Evolution in December 2014. The "karma" he spoke of should've been reversed, and that's something Zayn can come back to.

Not for another year though, please.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.