6 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Nov 4)

2. Bray Wyatt Speaks To Another Human!

Bray Wyatt

Last week, yours truly moaned that Bray Wyatt's latest interaction with 'Uncle Howdy' failed to push Bray's story forwards. It was just more of the same, and there was no continuation of blaming fans for the "horrible, horrible things" Wyatt might do in the future.

This segment with a WWE staffer was better.

It was grounded in reality for a start. Seeing Bray interact with another human being, as opposed to some supernatural mask-wearing character, was really refreshing. The way he struggled to keep his emotions in check and stop himself from tearing that gopher's head off was delicately-handled.

The company were starting to kick the arse out of those 'Wyatt talking to a pre-taped tron' promos, so this realism was very-much appreciated. Wrestling fans will identify with Bray's inner struggle more if they get to see actual people react to it in the same shot.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.