6 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Grand Slam (Sept 23)

1. Another Pointless Tag

Wardlow Samoa Joe

'WarJoe' is an awful, awful name.

It's the kind of thing WWE would be slated for. Imagine the response if they stuck Gunther with Madcap Moss on SmackDown and called them 'GunMoss', or something. Sounds terrible, doesn't it? AEW don't get a pass for lobbing that sh*tty name at fans.

It's not like Wardlow and Samoa Joe needed a name anyway. They won't be a full-time tag-team, so their sacrificial lamb squashing of Tony Nese and Josh Woods counts for pretty much nothing. Also, what's up with Josh looking competitive against Joe last week, then getting his b*llocks booted like a jobber here?

The whole thing was really just set-up for Mark Sterling eating a few powerbombs. AEW could've got there without making Woods and Nese their very own version of Ice Train and Scott Norton from the WCW days, to be honest.

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