6 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Grand Slam (Sept 23)

5. Fall Brawl

Sting Buddy Matthews

Rampage loves a jumpstart, and that's exactly what everyone got again when Brody King, Buddy Matthews and Julia Hart emerged for the opener. Sting and Darby Allin were behind all three, and the bout opened with the hilarious visual of Julia clinging onto the Stinger's back as he threw some punches.

That set the tone for 'Grand Slam' immediately.

Sure, the entire brawl was one you've seen before, but that doesn't mean it wasn't worth seeing. There's also no way Sting is getting in there and working standard matches these days - the WCW icon feels energised and safe (perhaps oddly) in these melees.

They protect him, and give Tony Schiavone the chance to reminisce about the good old NWA days. This traditionalist is very fond of that, so it was welcome here. Seeing AEW follow up on that misty-eyed nostalgia with something else old-school was cool as hell...

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AEW Rampage
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