6 Ups & 4 Downs From AEW Rampage: Grand Slam (Sept 23)

4. A Special Moment

The Great Muta AEW

Hands up who called this? Go on, present yourselves. Anyone?

The sight of The Great Muta riding to Sting's rescue in 2022 isn't something many could've predicted they'd see on the latest Rampage. It happened though. Buddy Matthews had Sting cuffed, and was about to belt him with a baseball bat when the lights went out and Muta veeeeeeryyyyy sloooooowlyyyyyy ambled to the ring.

That's OK - the guy likely has dust for knees at this stage in his career, and it was a top moment regardless of speed. When he finally got to the ring, Muta hit a Dragon Screw on Buddy then spat mist in his eyes for the big pop. One could almost see JR wipe away a tear when the Japanese legend hugged his old NWA/WCW rival too.

Side note: Fingers crossed Julia Hart is alright. She took a real f*cker of a bump off the ring apron and totally missed the table she was supposed to crash through. Instead, Hart seemed to rattle her head off the steel barricade.

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