6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (13 May)


4. End This

Oh, wow, another week comes with another meaningless Swinger’s Palace skit. Cool!

This week, Alisha Edwards was shown to be working as a Swingerella after going bankrupt, with the guests being the losers from the night’s X Division scramble bout. Essentially, this was included on the show simply to provide a reason for the World Tag Team Championship contendership bout at Under Siege. There, it’ll be Ace Austin and Madman Fulton vs. TJP and Petey Williams vs. Rohit Raju and Shera vs. XXXL’s Acey Romero and Larry D.

A needless amount of bickering broke out, before culminating in TJP mentioning that he’d win the bout, so long as he had the right partner by his side. Mere seconds after Petey Williams entered the scene, he attempted to recreate Steiner Math. Again. This happened literally a few weeks ago. Going down that route again is cheap booking on IMPACT’s part.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.