6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (13 May)

3. End This, Too

Speaking of things that no longer have a place on the regular IMPACT programming, Tenille Dashwood’s latest All About Me skit was entirely pointless.

She and Kaleb With A K were joined by Taylor Wilde, with Wilde going on another rant about she and Tenille aren’t friends nor tag team partners. They’re teaming at Under Siege to face Susan and Kimber Lee, but that’s it.

This took up a few minutes of television time that could have been given to a more deserving match or segment. Seriously, end this nonsense with Dashwood being obsessed with tag team wrestling. It’s going nowhere, and it certainly isn’t enjoyable in any way.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.