6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (13 May)

1. Eric Young's Foolproof Plan

Violent By Design’s latest promo was exactly what you’d expect it to be. It was contained in the same dimly-lit room they’re typically found inside and Eric Young did all of the talking while Joe Doering, Deaner, and Rhino surrounded him.

It was simply that, though. A typical Violent By Design promo. Nothing new was stated, other than that VBD are going to be concocting a new plan going forward, whatever that means.

‘The World Class Maniac’ noted that failure won’t be tolerated within VBD, which is clearly not including his loss to James Storm a few weeks back, nor Rhino’s loss to Chris Sabin just last week. Deaner has been tortured for his losses to Jake Something; why is it only him being made to suffer?

These are extremely minor gripes to pick out of a technically sound ‘EY’ promo, but if Young is opening himself up for being picked apart, it can’t be swept aside. Young teased that we’ll be seeing a lot more of his faction going forward; they’re already featured every week more or less. Unless he’s referring to new members, one of IMPACT’s top-five talkers made no sense here.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.