6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (5 August)


4. Oh, Mother, Has My Time Come?

What the hell was this?

A zombified Kimber Lee, who we saw in the full getup last Thursday, was seen speaking to Su Yung here, being told that her time has come with regards to delivering souls to 'The Undead Bride'. What makes this weird, then? Lee constantly referred to the former Susan as 'mother', which completely changes the trajectory of the arc.

In typical Su Yung vignette fashion, this was produced marvellously well, with the gorgeous red lighting creating a neat backdrop for the skit, though the glitch effect was a tad overused. That aside, the promo work wasn't up to par, considering what the duo is capable of. All of this could be thrown aside when they make their first appearance in front of the Skyway Studios faithful, but as far as this goes? Yeah, it didn't work.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.