6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (5 August)
3. Kelvin With A K
.@RealTaylorWilde suspects that it was @kalebKonley and @TenilleDashwood that caused her two month absence. #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/BtHzGXPvyY
The in-ring return of Taylor Wilde last Thursday saw a cracking, albeit short, match opposite Kaleb With A K, but the follow-up to that has set the former Knockouts Champion back a few steps.
When asked by Gia Miller why she was absent from IMPACT for two months, Taylor noted how, as a Canadian citizen, she's faced with crossing the border whenever she heads to IMPACT tapings. She was apparently unable to get into Nashville for those specific tapings, however, due to being deemed a suspicious person by Kelvin.
With A K.
This was dire. It's understandable to an extent, given that her absence needs to be explained in some capacity, but it was mundane nonetheless. It could have been a tremendous story, an international wrestler being prevented from crossing the border to further a rivalry, but for a feud as minor as this, it didn't quite have that spark. Taylor now faces Tenille Dashwood next week in what has to be a feud-ender.