6 Ups & 4 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (5 August)
5. Mayhem For All
.@SteveMaclin is relentlessly violent. #IMPACTonAXSTV pic.twitter.com/mC2zR0wDiO
Steve Maclin made short work of Jah-C (Matt Hardy faced the guy on AEW Dark a few weeks back, for those who recognise the name), picking the goober apart from bell to bell. Instantly yanking the guy off the turnbuckles as he posed for the audience, the former Steve Cutler, again, looked like a merciless killer.
The tree of woe Spear, the MMA elbows, and the sick reverse Brainbuster - which Jah-C sold incredibly well - all combined to create this aura around Maclin of a legitimate murderer. Jah-C didn't stand a single chance. The match was justified by its perfect position on the card; it came after the shock of Fire N Flava's dissolution, but before the anticipated headliner that involved the IMPACT return of Frankie Kazarian.
That Petey Williams saved Jah-C from further harm post-match sets up Maclin's first big feud in IMPACT. By having that inaugural marquee story against a veteran like Petey puts Maclin's face up there as a big-time deal. It's unknown as of writing if Steve has signed a proper contract with the company, though you'd have to assume they'll want to keep him around. He's done tremendous work since debuting in June.