6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (21 Feb)

3. Too Little, Too Late

Renee Young Lacey Evans

Let it be known that Renee Young is this generation's 'Mean' Gene Okerlund. No, she doesn't have the cartoonish elements Gene possessed, nor does she carry herself like a classic television announcer, but Young is one of the most adaptable cogs this WWE machine has. She's one hell of a magnetic presence when she's on screen, and she puts everyone at ease.

She's not to blame for this being a 'Down', and neither is Lacey Evans. Both played their roles well. The problem came when Renee was scripted to point out that Lacey used to be a bully just like Bayley. Where did that come from? Why hasn't this subject been broached before now?

WWE needed to do this a long time ago.

Evans should've lanced the boil as soon as she began turning babyface rather than waiting months to acknowledge that yes, she used to be a horrendous person too. This line only put a spotlight on the fact that WWE deliberately ignored her character continuity.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.