6 Ups & 4 Downs From WWE SmackDown (July 14)

4. Willing To Stick With This

Santos Escobar Grayson Waller Butch

The first four-way match to determine a new number one contender for Austin Theory was fun. There was too much talent out there for it to sag, being honest, but everyone worked their socks off and Santos Escobar was a surprising winner. That got some folks talking on social media.

Another four-way is incoming next week, and LA Knight is surely the favourite for that. If one was looking ahead, he'd be worried about how Santos will be received one-on-one vs. LA, but that doesn't mean the LWO man shouldn't get some spotlight too. He looked ace here.

The whole match was good.

Butch is the ideal man to round out bouts like this, because he knows when he pick his spots and when to lay out. The same could be said for AJ Styles - he can sprint through matches like this in his sleep without sacrificing any quality.

Escobar deserves some patience.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.