6 Ups & 5 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (29 April)
2. 50/50 Booking
There was some positivity to this in that Brian Myers and Matt Cardona both being included in a World Championship angle was deserved given their terrific Rebellion outing. The problem also lies here, though; that match was so recent that it meant the rematch didn’t have the same level of excitement.
It began alright, with a fight breaking out whilst Cardona was making his entrance, but it quickly moved to focus the entire match around the former Zack Ryder’s weakened knee. Matt charged at a cornered Myers only to be kicked right in the knee, which wasn’t too bad, before he found himself for the next chunk of the match having his leg slammed against the ring post.
‘The Most Professional Wrestler’ set up for his Roster Cut finish later on, with Cardona coming back with a Radio Silence for the three count. The surprise win didn’t work here. Had he done this at Rebellion when he first suffered the injury, it would have hit the right spot.
Instead, we got a dose of 50/50 booking in a story arc that really didn’t need it. Cardona wasn’t at full health; it would have made perfect sense for Myers to advance. A deep dive off a cliff from the heights of their Rebellion encounter.