6 Ups & 5 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Dec 6)
5. Thrown Together Tag Contenders
WWE love throwing singles stars they have nothing else for into tag-teams. It's what they've done seemingly since the dawn of time, and they're doing it again with both Mustafa Ali and Shorty G. Whilst they are fine a temporary duo, their alliance does reek of that old whopper, 'creative has nothing else for you'.
The question must be asked what Ali and Shorty have done to warrant a shot at becoming number one contenders for New Day's tag belts? They weren't even aligned on TV until recently, and it's not like they've been gelling or winning a ton of matches together.
It's lazy booking. Ali and G stuck out like sore thumbs amongst genuine tags like The Revival, Heavy Machinery and Lucha House Party. The fact those regular duos were eliminated first says it all too. So much for a red-hot tag division on Fridays.