6 Ups & 7 Downs From WWE's Road To WrestleMania 36

5. Ricochet's Senseless Slaughter

Riddick Moss Ricochet

Super Show-Down's loss to Brock Lesnar was one thing, but that can be (slightly) excused due to Brocky boy's status as WWE Champ and apple of Vince McMahon's money-making eye. Though Rico travelled all the way to Saudi Arabia to lose in 90 seconds, at least he did so to a bankable main event star.

Then, the follow-up episode of Raw happened.

There, the once-promising high-flyer was sacrificed to then-24/7 Champ Riddick Moss in a short match that did more damage to Ricochet than it did to bolster Moss. This is distressing, and not 'cause Ricochet is some internet fave fanboys can drool over. Nah, it's alarming because he looked genuinely promising just last year.

Sure, Rico's mic skills are the real-life equivalent of mashing all the wrong buttons during promo mini-games in 2K20, but he's one hell of a worker between the ropes. Instead of masking his inefficiencies and highlighting his strengths, WWE has thrown Ricochet to the wolves and booked him like he's jobbing on Metal in 2001.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.