6 Ups And 1 Down For WWE NXT (Mar 10)


1. Xia Gives Carter And Catanzaro Some Li Way

Xia Li

Kacy Catanzaro may not be able to exact her revenge on Xia Li in a match anytime soon thanks to being obliterated by the single-minded force a few weeks ago, but her pal Kayden Carter could give it a good go. And she did just that this week...for a bit.

Nailing Li with a dropkick straight away, Carter set about drilling her lethal once-friend with kicks. But this new version of Li was having none of it. One spinning elbow later, Li was back in the driver's seat. Carter was here to avenge her pal's broken limb, however, and fired back with a set of clotheslines and a nasty kick in the ropes.

Yet, Carter's luck would eventually run out as Li set her up for a fate as grizzly as the one her crippled ring-side pal Catanzaro suffered. Sensing Carter's demise was impending, though, Catanzaro forced the DQ with a crutch to Li's body. Then, for some bizarre reason, the absolute wrecking ball of weeks gone by reverted back to begging for mercy after the already injured Catanzaro continued her crutch attack.

Boa then attempted to save face for the ominous unit by snapping Kacy's crutch in two, but even he was blind-sided by a sneak attack via another crutch-wielding Carter.

In short, this whole sequence undid a few weeks of solid work from Li, making her look less like a possessed ball of fire and more like a pawn who can be easily overcome given the right weapon. Let Li have her way with Carter for real next week or risk pulling the carpet out from under an act that was just starting to take off.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...