6 Ups And 2 Downs From WWE NXT (May 25)

5. Getting Their Heat Back

Dakota Kai Raquel Gonzalez Shotzi Blackheart Ember Moon

Thank God this attack came before Oney Lorcan's.

Gonzalez and Kai deserved to take the spotlight and look like a right pair of menacing bad asses by ambushing Blackheart and Moon post-loss. Some might not like this 'get your heat back, brother' formula, but it'll pan out long-term when one of the faces is slotted in as Raquel's next challenger.

WWE also kind of played Dakota's part in the beating as an apology to Gonzalez. This was Kai's way of saying sorry for eating the pinfall loss in the prior tag match and showing her championship teammate that she's still a powerful ally. That's a plot point that needs fleshed out properly soon, but there's time for that.

It's hard to dislike a beatdown spot this intense too. Add in the fact that (again) it was the first on the show and it stood out more than Oney's. The way Gonzalez targeted Shotzi in front of her mate Ember, like she was saying 'you're next', was a hoot.

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