6 Ups And 4 Downs From WWE NXT 2.0 (Oct 19)

2. Cora Jade Keeps Rolling, Rolling, Rolling... Stop.

Cora Jade

A few weeks ago, your writer couldn't help getting caught up in the excitement that washed over the arena when Cora Jade suddenly stole a huge win against Franky Monet via cheeky roll-up. I will now admit I may have been part of the problem that unfolded on this week's show.

As WWE are wont to do should something unexpectedly go down a treat with their fans, instead of finding a new way to keep that momentum going, they resorted to the exact same booking step again. As anyone who has studied the law of diminishing returns for longer than a minute will attest, this meant that Jade's "shock win" over Elektra Lopez this week simply lacked the electricity and vibrancy of her previous unexpected victory.

It's also a pretty impossible task to get a star over via consistent lucky roll-up wins as their very nature suggests the performer is just flukey as all hell. This should've been a one and done.

Also, it marked the second messy execution of a roll-up on the night, with Lopez's shoulders very much looking like they were off the mat at the time of the three-count. It isn't clear whether that was the intention or not, which again is never a good look.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...