6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Aug 7)
1. IC Champ As Piñata

Wrestling programs like Raw need cannon fodder troops for moments exactly like what we got Monday night to open the program.
However, if you’re going to have a group get annihilated semi-regularly, maybe it’s a good idea to make sure the ringleader also doesn’t hold the brand’s secondary title, a 38-year-old championship.
But that’s exactly what happened when Brock Lesnar did a little “role playing” and mauled the Miztourage (Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas) and the Miz, who is the current Intercontinental Champion.
There’s no complaint about Brock running amok (in fact, it will get its own “up” a bit later), but there’s just no protection of the Miz whatsoever as IC champ. He doesn’t have to be untouchable, but using him to put over other feuds rather than being kept somewhat strong doesn’t help matters. Even having him bail before the beatdown would’ve been enough.