6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (May 22)
5. Roman The Ungrateful

Remember when Roman Reigns was in the Shield and relied on his brothers to get things done? Remember afterward when he continued to partner with Dean Ambrose to fight battles?
Roman apparently has been buying into his “one versus all” and “my yard” mantras, as he barked at Seth Rollins backstage for attacking Samoa Joe after Joe caused a DQ in Reigns’ match against Bray Wyatt. Reigns was pissed that Rollins helped when he previously said he didn’t want any help.
Rollins pointed out that he was there to take out Joe, not help Roman, but still, why was Reigns such a jerk about it? He could have been appreciative but still asked Seth to stop bailing him out. A guy who has been beaten down solo and also relied on others before for help probably shouldn’t be isolating himself from his limited number of allies.