6 Ups And 6 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (Oct 9)
6. Enough Is Enough

At what point do you get to say, “I’ve beaten this guy enough, give me someone else?”
Elias has now defeated Apollo Crews three consecutive times, and beaten his agent Titus O’Neill once for good measure. It’s reached a point where it’s become a joke. And while this column often laments 50/50 booking and should be happy that one person has dominated the feud, it also feels like the other shoe is about to drop at any time, with Crews scoring an upset to set up another confrontation.
But really, we’ve seen the match three times now. Elias isn’t blatantly cheating (for the most part). He’s just better than Crews and higher on the food chain. Find something for him to do. Give him a real feud against a better opponent. If you’re going to have a guy who’s beaten Dean Ambrose, Finn Balor, Kalisto and others on the roster, then do something with him.
But please, let’s declare the rivalry with Crews and Titus over, before we get 50/50 booking.