6 Worst Fashion Mistakes By The Undertaker

4. Double Denim - Not Cool Man, Not Cool

After an injury in 1999 forced The Phenom out of action, he decided to re-invent himself again and come back as more of an extension of his own personality. So, at Judgment Day 2000, we got the debut of The American Bad Ass. From the shades and the bandana to the long leather cloak right out of a Western movie, Undertaker was back and people were going crazy for him.

In the three-and-a-half years he rode the motorcycle and played that character, there are a few fashion mistakes we could pick on but one of the worst had to be the dreaded decision to do double denim.

Our pal Mark went from being an intimidating giant who demolished his victims to looking like he belonged as an extra in a scene from The Terminator 2. €œGive me your clothes if you want to live€ Arnie would say to Taker€™s pal as he played pool in his denim decision.

We began with the classic all black undertaker with grey gloves and moved into the questionable purple gloves but the double denim just isn€™t good at all. This (along with Taker not being in the best shape of his career when he committed this fashion crime) is a reminder of why we should try and forget this mistake.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.