6 Wrestling Moves That Need To Make A Comeback

3. Spider German Suplex

A spider German suplex is a thing of beauty that would never be attempted in any real combat sport. Performed as a regular German suplex from the turnbuckles, the thrower ties their legs up in the ropes so that they can fall back and have the extra leverage to launch their opponent halfway across the ring and hit them for additional damage. This leaves the attacker in the tree of woe position, which would totally leave them open to attack if they hadn't just thrown their opponent through seven layers of hell.

It opens up some interesting dramatic possibilities in matches. Wrestling has moved on since the introduction of the spider German suplex, and wrestlers are very different athletes than they used to be. Someone like Ricochet could easily take something like this and land on his feet, going back on the attack and turning an entire match around.

The spider German is a great storytelling piece that can work to get either performer over with the crowd.


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