6 WWE Royal Rumble 2016 Results Predictions

6. The Dudleys Vs The Ascension Vs Jack Swagger & Mark Henry Vs Darren Young & Damien Sandow

The pre-show match isn't too attractive, but it does come with the stipulation that the winning team will enter the Royal Rumble. It would probably make most sense for Jack Swagger and Mark Henry to take that spot. Henry was originally slotted in the Rumble match, and he's always useful for typical big man Rumble spots. As for Swagger, he's underrated and he'd add some cohesion to the Rumble match. But let's be honest, whoever wins entry to the Rumble from the pre-show are really only going on to get eliminated. It's an opportunity to be a slightly more glorified jobber. This match will be the sort of average bout you can skip, with Henry getting a World's Strongest Slam and pin over Sandow. Winners: Jack Swagger & Mark Henry
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