6 WWE Royal Rumble 2016 Results Predictions

5. The New Day (C) Vs The Usos - Tag Titles

The tag titles are due a change, and The Usos are the best tag team in WWE. It would make sense to switch the belts here. Yes, The New Day have been a lot of fun, but there really isn't a lot left for them to do as champs. The tag scene is so light that the only way to keep it interesting is to do a switch now and again. After a five month run, the time is now for The New Day to move forward. Plus, The Usos are so talented in the ring, they deserve to carry the belts and them holding the straps opens up lots of exciting matches in the division. In terms of match quality, this should be an entertaining ten minutes at the Rumble. Expect back and forth action, with The Usos eventually hitting their finisher for the pin on Kingston. Winners and new tag team champions: The Usos
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