Despite all the potential allies and angles Samoa Joe could surround himself with when making his long-anticipated debut, the most convincing case can perhaps be made for him to simply come in and dominate from day one. Although by no means the least charismatic wrestler in the world, Joe works best a largely silent killer, letting his incredible in-ring ability do the talking. Joe as a no-nonsense tough guy is both an effective and versatile solution. It allows him to make an immediate impression, before branching out either as an ass-kicking babyface or slowly descending into sadism as a dangerous heel. Having the Samoan run amok, Goldberg-style, would immediately create a new star for the WWE. Unlike similar attempts to push superstars as 'unstoppable' - such as Vladimir Kozlov or Ryback - Joe wouldn't be held back by inexperience or unbelievability. His indie credentials and fantastic in-ring ability give him an edge of legitimacy coveted by many in a similar position, while his appearance and style prevent him from fading into obscurity among countless bland big men.