7 Best Obsessive Wrestling Storylines

6. Kurt Angle Muscles In On Stephanie McMahon

Triple H Stephanie McMahon Kurt Angle 2000

What do you get when you take three unlikeable heels and throw them into a love triangle situation? The answer: Stephanie McMahon's heart is torn between 'Cerebral' bad-ass Triple H and dorky Olympian Kurt Angle, and 2000 has one of its absolute best summer story threads.

Kurt, much to Triple H's chagrin, managed to turn Stephanie's head despite blatantly hoping for more than being friend-zoned. He repeatedly tried to undermine 'The Game', appeal to Steph's gentle side and show that he was there for her when her sledgehammer-wielding man was too busy chasing titles.

The beauty of Angle's obsession was the fact that McMahon couldn't see Kurt's true intentions until it was too late.

Angle and Triple H were also dynamite in-ring together. Their matches at SummerSlam (a Triple Threat co-starring The Rock) Unforgiven and the 2001 Royal Rumble were awesome, and the ongoing soap-opera-style melodrama let Kurt show his acting chops.

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Mickie James
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.