7 Changes John Cena Should Make When He Returns To WWE

2. Develop A Secondary Finishing Move

While they are not that common in today's WWE, it's a good idea for wrestlers to develop a secondary finishing move. A shining example of this is Alberto Del Rio, who beat Cena in under ten minutes at the Hell in a Cell PPV event thanks to a standing side kick to the head. Del Rio's also used a double foot stomp off the turnbuckle as a finisher but, In addition to that and the standing side kick, he also has the Cross Armbreaker submission hold which he has used effectively in the past. This past week on Raw, Dolph Ziggler won a match with a Superkick (even though it's not his finisher) and it worked perfectly. Cena should start beating people with a move other than Attitude Adjustment or the STF submission hold. Perhaps the leg drop to the back of the head could be used as a finisher because it looks pretty devastating. He could also incorporate a move like a spinning Powerbomb that could be a viable finish because a powerful guy like Cena would be able to do it easily and he would make it look great. Any move can be considered a finisher as long as it is protected and treated like a big deal. Let's just hope it isn't the Springboard Stunner because he needs to stop doing that move right now.
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John Cena
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.