7 Fascinating Backstage WWE Facts About John Cena

2. Earns The Most In WWE

Annually, John Cena is on a base salary of around $3 million from World Wrestling Entertainment. It makes sense that he'd be one of the better-paid members of the roster, and that number barely even takes into account his huge merchandise sales. John Cena t-shirts are routinely the most popular items from WWE's official website and at live events. In addition to his gross earnings, Cena also rakes it in via various celebrity endorsements. According to TheRichest.com, the man has an estimated net worth of over $35 million, which is obviously quite the figure. In fairness, Cena's financial wealth is reflected in his popularity. It's impossible to imagine a WWE event over the past 10 years that has taken place without a John Cena shirt in sight. Add first class travel and other perks into the mix, and it's fair to surmise that John Cena is one of the better looked after stars under the WWE banner. His acting work also earns him cash, and Cena has put together one hell of a money-making brand. Given the stunning number of merchandise items he shifts, it's understandable why WWE have chosen to keep him 'good' in the eyes of children.
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John Cena
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