7 Great TNA Moments You Totally Forgot Even Happened

3. The MMA Style Build To Angle Vs. Joe At Lockdown 2008

Samoa Joe Kurt Angle Lockdown 2008

At some point, it'd be nice to think that WWE would book Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe. If that eventually happens, it'd do well to come close to their matches in TNA. The first, at Genesis 2006, is the one most put on a pedestal, and rightly so. Another, at Lockdown 2008, was similarly intense, albeit with a twist.

In the lead-up to their "Title vs. Career" Steel Cage war (taking place inside TNA's unique six-sided cage), both Joe and Angle were shown training in hard-hitting video montages; smartly, years before Brock Lesnar's legit fighting background would become the basis for his character, the focus was on their strengths and weaknesses as fighters. That helped it stand out from other, more typical pro wrestling storylines in the promotion.

Joe and Angle were out to kick some ass this time, not cut back-and-forth promos.

The match itself was a 17-minute example of how elements of wrestling and MMA can successfully blend into one if the presentation is right and the performers top class. It'd be interesting to see WWE try out this format now with both men on a bigger stage.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.