7 Great TNA Moments You Totally Forgot Even Happened

2. Team 3D Putting Dixie Carter Through A Table

Bully Ray Dixie Carter

Yes, that is Samoa Joe filming poor Dixie Carter's misfortune on the 7 August 2014 episode of Impact Wrestling.

The story surrounding Dixie's rather brave table bump was that she had become a tyrannical boss who needed taking down a peg or two. It was a storyline fans had witnessed a million times before, and perhaps that's why it didn't cause much of a stir when Bully Ray blasted her through the wood in the Hammerstein Ballroom.

What a bump it was though, one Dixie took with aplomb. Her arrogant heel gimmick was underrated (she played the oblivious, condescending guise very well), and her inevitable comeuppance gave TNA a sweet way to write her off television for the next year or so. That break, as anyone watching at the time would attest, was needed.

In an arena The Dudley Boyz had worked countless times for ECW, Ray and D-Von harked back to their glory days with the stunt. It brought the house down, and it's a surprise more focus isn't given to the bump when others ponder TNA's most noteworthy moments online.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.