7 Ground-Breaking Promos That Changed A Career Forever

5. I Am The F*****g Game

HHH In the summer of 1999, Triple H was being pushed as one of the top stars in the company. Given the ultra-competitiveness of the Attitude Era though, it wasn€™t going to be easy for the former leader of DX to establish himself as a true top dog. But in a shoot-style interview with JR, he delivered a brilliant promo that elevated himself to a whole new level. In a foul-mouthed tirade directed at JR and other higher-ups, Triple H went on to dub himself €œthe Game€. Here was a man claiming not only to be one of the top €œstudents€ in the business, but the actual benchmark that his peers are trying to reach in the first place€”like some kind of abstract gold standard. The moniker soon caught on, and even to this day it remains a key part of his gimmick. Just over four weeks after that interview with JR, the Game captured the first of his 13 world titles and will likely go down as one of the all-time greats. Without that controversial promo of July 1999, would he have been considered a legitimate contender when paired with the likes of Stone Cold and the Rock? Perhaps not, and thus Triple H€™s declaration that he was indeed €œthe Game€ can be pinpointed as arguably the pivotal moment in the rise of one of the biggest stars that this industry has ever produced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bygHneRh24
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