7 Ground-Breaking Promos That Changed A Career Forever

4. Whoops, I€™m Breaking The Fourth Wall

While Triple H€™s quasi-shoot garnered much controversy and publicity, it was nothing when compared to CM Punk€™s incredible pipe bomb of 2011. With Punk€™s contract legitimately on the verge of expiry, this real-life development was incorporated into one of the most gripping angles in history as the lines were blurred like never before. Part of that angle saw the Straightedge Superstar given a live mic and a license to vent his frustrations on the June 27 showing of Raw. Punk proceeded to air his grievances about WrestleMania booking decisions, the fans inability to stop feeding the machine and even Vince McMahon€™s leadership of the company itself. It€™s difficult to pick just one quote as a tagline for his promo, but one thing that€™s easy to spot is the effect that it had on Punk€™s career. He became the Voice of the Voiceless, the one guy unafraid to speak his mind and a beacon of hope for change in the WWE. After the climax of that Summer of Punk angle, he became the ultimate anti-hero€”perhaps the best we€™d seen since the days of Stone Cold Steve Austin. An epic 434-day title reign followed, during which Punk cemented his legacy as one of the top performers of all time. But it was that infamous promo that will ensure that for all his pro wrestling ability, it was perhaps his mic skills that proved him worthy of the title of €œBest in the World€. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OS9wZGb_3g
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CM Punk
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