7 Huge Returns WWE Fans Most Want In 2017
2. Jeff Hardy
Jeff Hardy's last WWE exit was shrouded in controversy. While he originally said that he was taking some time away from the ring to rest up for a while, a drug-related arrest shortly after his departure ended up ensuring that he wouldn't be back in the company any time soon.
He ended up back in TNA, but his substance-abuse issues weren't in the past. In an infamous match against Sting in 2011, Hardy showed up under the influence and was beaten by "The Icon" in less than two minutes. Since then, though, Hardy has cleaned up his act and become very important to TNA. He's currently undergone a character shift, competing as "Brother Nero" in a reformed Hardy Boyz tandem.
Still, Hardy wants to return to WWE for another run, and he said as much in an interview earlier this year. Citing a Hell in a Cell match and a WrestleMania main event as his goals, Hardy clearly has a plan. It's hard to imagine WWE wouldn't take him back when he's available, and that the fans wouldn't welcome him, as well.