7 Ideas To Debut Tyler Breeze On WWE's Main Roster

3. A Feud With Dean Ambrose

Another worker who seems like he€™d be an obvious foe for Tyler Breeze is Dean Ambrose. Although he and Randy Orton are currently occupied with The Wyatt Family, that program will likely see a resolution at Hell in a Cell, freeing up Dean to move onto something else. Despite the inconsistencies in his booking, Ambrose has remained one of the most over stars on the roster. Dean Ambrose symbolizes everything that Tyler Breeze is against. He€™s unkempt, uncouth and unhinged and doesn€™t care who knows it, while Tyler doesn€™t mind losing as long as he looks good doing it. It€™s the perfect dichotomy of characters and would make for an entertaining program. Add to that the fact that Ambrose has shown a talent for making even the most absurd storylines work. Going to battle with Dean would make Breeze a major player from the start, and Ambrose has thus far proven to be slightly bulletproof when it comes to wins and losses. If WWE wants to test that they can have Breeze go over and show that he's a threat from the onset, or they can have Dean beat him from pillar to post and relegate the talented newcomer to Fandango status. Hopefully they'd opt for the former.
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Tyler Breeze
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.