7 Ideas To Debut Tyler Breeze On WWE's Main Roster

2. Becoming Part Of The Divas Revolution

We all know that the highly-touted divas revolution has been a failure thus far. The matches may have slightly increased in quality - and even that's debatable - but the ladies are still stuck in the same rehashed storylines where they all portray jealous, catty females and no new ground is being broken. The only difference now is Charlotte has the title instead of Nikki. It's not a revolution if you have to repeatedly remind us that it is. So why not shake things up a bit? From the definition of the word, there's no bigger diva character in WWE than Tyler Breeze. He's more vain and ostentatious than any woman on the roster with the exception of maybe Nikki Bella, and even that's disputable. Why not have him take exception to the fact that the women are being glamorized and fight for men's equality? Gender rights is a bit of a hot button topic right now with several high profile women speaking out about inequality, and since WWE likes to poke fun while capitalizing on such subjects, this would be a prime way to do so. WWE could hold a divas beauty pageant on Raw and Breeze could petition to be included, run around backstage giving unwanted fashion tips to the ladies and even campaign for a title shot a la Andy Kaufman. We're not suggesting an intergender match because that will never happen again as long as WWE remains a publicly traded company, but perhaps Tyler lobbying for a title shot due to the name of the championship being the divas title rather than the women's championship could be the catalyst the company needs to rename the much-maligned belt, a move the females themselves all seem to be in favor of.
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Tyler Breeze
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.