7 Ideas To Debut Tyler Breeze On WWE's Main Roster

1. A Tag Team With The Miz

This one just seems like a no-brainer. While he may not be the most technically proficient worker in the world, there can be no denying that The Miz draws more heat than just about any other heel on the roster regardless of his placement on the card. The guy is an absolute genius at making people hate him, and I've advocated in an earlier article for him to transition into the role of modern day Bobby "The Brain" Heenan. Being associated with The Miz did wonders for Damien Sandow - even if WWE did flush all both men's hard work down the toilet immediately after - and we could see a similar effect for Breeze. Tyler's gimmick is cut from the same cloth as Miz, and The Awesome One could bring him in as his new Hollywood protege that he's teaching the ropes of acting and wrestling to. Working with Miz gives Breeze a seasoned performer and one of the best talkers in the company to play off of and learn from on the fly, and ideally Miz's heat would transfer onto him, with Miz acting as Tyler's second outside the ring during his singles matches. Eventually you'd have them go their separate ways like all WWE partnerships of course, but for now you could add another team to the budding tag division. And this one would have a massive amount of personality, something that teams like Los Matadores, The Lucha Dragons and The Ascension are sorely lacking.
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Tyler Breeze
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.