7 Mistakes The Authority Has Made In Their First Year

2. Lack Of Interesting Storyline Drove CM Punk Away

The "heels in power" storyline is so overdone that a lot of fans are sick of it. Apparently some wrestlers are sick of it too. After all, CM Punk left when he was locked in a storyline that was going to lead to him having a WrestleMania 30 match with Triple H and instead he decided to walk away from a big payday just to avoid having that match. The last time we saw CM Punk on WWE TV was at the Royal Rumble when Kane cost him the match. We don't know exactly why Punk left WWE. It may have been because he was beat up and wanted to stop wrestling, but the storyline he was in was probably a part of it too. If he liked his storyline more he likely would have stuck around. There is probably something to the theory that Punk isn't a huge fan of Triple H and Stephanie having so much power. He has talked openly about how he got along with Vince McMahon, but with Vince stepping aside a bit, suddenly that relationship has changed a bit. In this instance the mistake was having The Authority feud with CM Punk. It was such a mistake that one of WWE's biggest names decided to quit instead of carry on with the feud. Who knows what would have happened if Punk had some other storyline heading into WrestleMania. He could still be wrestling right now. CM Punk is a guy that wanted things to change and be different. The Authority was just a repeat of things we've seen before. That's why it's no surprise that he left.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.