7 Most Embarrassing John Cena WWE Defeats

6. The Miz - Raw 2009

Okay, so this one may be clutching at straws a little, but it will still go down in the history books as a loss for John Cena€”despite the match never really starting. After a gruelling Last Man Standing match at Backlash the night before€”in which he was thrown into a spotlight by the Big Show, which promptly exploded under impact€”Cena was challenged by the Miz to a one-on-one match on Raw. As per storylines though, Cena was still injured from the ordeal that he went through the other night, and thus he did not show up to answer Miz€™s call. Rather than sympathise with the situation though, The Awesome One decided to milk it for all it was worth. He claimed himself to be the winner via forfeit, and even announced the decision himself after Lilian Garcia refused. You could argue that this wasn€™t even an official match, merely a way to put Miz over as a heel after his recent switch to the Raw brand. But Wrestlezone, as well as the WWE themselves, recognise this as a valid result, and that€™s good enough for me. Furthermore, Cena was indeed in the building and even showed up for the main event between Big Show and Batista, so on that logic€”which admittedly remains a loose term in the realm of pro wrestling­€”this one goes down as a forfeit defeat to the Miz. So much for Never Give Up...
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