7 Most Embarrassing John Cena WWE Defeats

5. Curtis Axel (Twice) - Raw 2013

These days, Curtis Axel has fallen into jobber obscurity akin to his days during as Michael McGillicutty. But when he was repackaged under the hybrid moniker of his Father and Grandfather, the future appeared to be bright for Axel. In his first seven matches, he notched up victories over legendary names like Triple H, Chris Jericho, and of course John Cena. As ever though, there was something of an asterisk next to each of these outcomes. With Cena, the two defeats came via count-out. First, the appearance of an Ambulance€”ahead of his eponymous match with Ryback€”distracted Cena long enough for him to lose. The second time around there was much less he could do about the situation, after Ryback drove him through a table to render him incapable of returning to the ring in time. Again, the results weren€™t clean by any means. But nonetheless the statistics still tell us that John Cena twice tasted defeat against the newbie Curtis Axel in the successive showings of Monday Night Raw. That statement only gets more embarrassing when you consider how Axel€™s push soon dwindled into nothing. A win over Cena can easily make a man€™s career. Here though, that was certainly not the case.
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John Cena
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