7 Most Insane Things Happening In Wrestling Right Now (August 25)
2. Ric Flair: Stronger Than Death
Ric Flair is still in a fight for his life - but he has removed his suit jacket and elbow dropped Death right in his skull.
Last week, his representatives asked everybody for their prayers; Flair was hospitalised on August 12, having experienced severe stomach pains. A blockage in his bowels precipitated more widespread effects, the most drastic of which were kidney shutdown and a dangerous infection. Flair remained in critical condition following successful surgery. His prospects looked bleak. But then, people said that after he was struck by lightning. People said that after he broke his back in a plane crash. People said that for years throughout his legendary wrestling career as the best all-rounder ever. Flair could work, talk and draw with the best of them. His manager Melissa Morris Zanoni confirmed earlier this week that Flair is "awake, communicating and progressing". By communicating, she meant that Flair cut a promo on a nurse from his hospital bed, which is probably the most Ric Flair thing that ever Ric Flaired.
He'll probably carry her to a five star match next. What a man.