7 New Directions For WWE After The Greatest Royal Rumble

2. WWE Presenting More International Stadium Shows

Triple H Greatest Royal Rumble

Through all the pre-show controversy surrounding the complete lack of female talent on the card, the obvious difficulty of logistics WWE must have experienced in the lead-up to the event and the time difference to the United States, the Greatest Royal Rumble show looked like a success.

If nothing else, it should tell WWE that they made the right call by taking their travelling circus overseas, and it's important that Triple H now presses Vince McMahon on doing the same thing elsewhere.

In the UK, for example, there wouldn't be the severe cultural contrast WWE had to deal with in Saudi Arabia. A major stadium show inside London's Wembley Stadium would do monumental business, hark back to the glory days of SummerSlam 1992 for many in the country and allow WWE to do more than the annual Raw/SmackDown tapings that are beginning to grow stale.

UK fans are spoiled by comparison to the Middle East, but there hasn't been a stadium show in almost 26 years on these shores. It's time to change that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.