7 Positives From TNA's Destination America Debut

6. The Audience

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pm94rZQg1LE €œYou€™re a rowdy bunch!€ no truer words have ever been spoken by Ethan Carter III. From the very start of the episode, the crowd was fully into it. Chanting, and chanting loudly too. They were eating up every match, every segment, and it was great. There were no asinine chants for the commentators or wrestlers who have left the company, this crowd was amazing. They seemed to really enjoy themselves and played along with the show. They even kept the censors at Destination America on their toes too. Several chants forced censoring, but that made it all the more fun. Big props to this crowd for showing that you can be a great crowd, and be rowdy, without being complete jerks and ruining a show.

Katy Chef has been a lifelong wrestling fan. Chef has written for previous wrestling websites such as a TNA News website and Ringsidenews.com