7 Positives From TNA's Destination America Debut

5. The Opening

lashley TNA sure knows how to make a great video package. If you weren€™t already hyped for Impact Wrestling€™s debut on Destination America, all you had to do was watch the first two minutes of the show. A video package showing all of the TNA talent coming to the arena, yet they made it look so darn good. The video quality was amazing and some shots looked beautiful, specifically the shot of Lashley looking out the window. You saw Bobby Roode getting a look at everything he has worked for in the TNA Championship, Jeff Hardy taking a picture with a fan, Gail Kim working out, The Wolves getting into an elevator, Taryn Terrell showering, and while this doesn€™t sound like much, they sure made it into a video package that will give you goosebumps for days. After the video package ended we were treated to a huge brawl between the whole roster, men and women alike. It was a war to begin a new era on Impact Wrestling and the crowd was loving every minute of it.

Katy Chef has been a lifelong wrestling fan. Chef has written for previous wrestling websites such as a TNA News website and Ringsidenews.com