7 Reasons Braun Strowman Shouldn’t Become WWE Universal Champ At No Mercy 2017

5. Brock Lesnar Still Has Value As Champion

brock lesnar

The cold, hard fact here is that Brock Lesnar will always have value as a World Champion in WWE. Never mind his prior work within the company. Ignore that for a second and realise that Lesnar is taken seriously as a world class athlete outside of pro wrestling. He brings credibility to the title because people genuinely believe he could beat most men up.

Lesnar is a box office attraction, and WWE don't have too many of those in 2017. Sure, he works a part-time schedule, but nobody complained back in the '80s when Hulk Hogan didn't appear on every single TV show. Brock comes across as a huge star when he does show up, and that's surely all that matters. His time isn't up yet.

The Goldberg squash has already faded from fans' minds, certainly enough that Lesnar vs. Strowman feels like a big deal. Just like he did at times with Goldberg, Brock has shown his willingness to play slight underdog to a bigger physical threat, and it's working. His feud with Braun is one WWE can tell over six months, not a solitary summer.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.