7 Reasons Why WWE Breaking Up The Shield Was Horrible For Business

6. Roman Reigns Never Needed To Win The Royal Rumble

One of the key problems with breaking up The Shield was that it exposed everything that was "grossly unprepared for the mainstream spotlight" about Roman Reigns. As a solo performer, Reigns' inability to lead a match, cut a scripted or unscripted promo, and actually captivate the fans via selling, having a compelling amount of babyface fire and making a great comeback have all been completely exposed. In fact, it's arguable that Reigns is actually in a worse place now than he was as a performer two years prior, an issue that keeping The Shield together could've resolved. Roman being a featured Shield member and perhaps still being in what would now be a superpower tag team combo with Seth Rollins could've been amazing. Imagine them in a tag division with The New Day, Dudley Boyz, Usos, Wyatts, Cesaro and Kidd (good lord, imagine that) and so many more. Having tag team championship matches that could main event TVs, PPVs and house shows could've been a major asset for business overall.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.