7 Reasons WWE Must Sign Bully Ray

3. Bringing Back The Dudley Boys Would Help The Tag Team Division

The Dudley Boys are one of the greatest tag teams in the history of wrestling. They're the only team in the history of wrestling to win the Tag Team Titles in WWE, WCW (when it was WWE), ECW, TNA and the IWGP Tag Team Titles in New Japan. If titles don't matter to you, that's fine. The quality of their matches have been very good for nearly 20 years now. Go put on WWE Network, find any of their ladder or TLC matches and they will be proof of how talented they are. A lot of their TNA matches with teams like Beer Money and the Motor City Machine Guns were great as well. As soon as their music hits the fans will know who they are. They will chant "we want tables" for them immediately. When Bubba spreads the legs of his opponent and Devon goes the top the fans will chant "Whassup" in a spot that they popularized back in 2000. Don't forget about their Dudley Death Drop (aka The 3D) move as a finisher. That always generates a positive reaction. It makes sense to bring the Dudley Boys (or Dudley Boyz as WWE spells it) back to WWE. They would bring the kind of instant credibility to the company that no other team could bring unless it was the Hardy Boys, which seems unlikely at this point. Seeing the young team that is the Usos against the experienced Dudley Boys would be a lot of fun to watch.
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Bully Ray
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.